A Principled Sacrifice in Colorado

By Jedd Medefind on September 11, 2009

Project 1.27 is advancing a tremendous vision in Colorado helping Christians to care for children in the state’s foster system.  Project 1.27 and its nineteen partner churches have played a central role in reducing the number of waiting children in the Colorado foster system by 25% over the past four years.  They’ve facilitated nearly 100 adoptions to date, with over 100 more in process.

In additional to all the other impact for children and families, these entirely private efforts have saved Colorado taxpayers more than $5 million.  As a result, the State offered Project 1.27 a major contract to help them continue their work.

There are many successful examples of solid Christian ministries receiving government vouchers (which carry no limitations on religious elements) or direct grants (when publicly-funded services can be separated from services with religious elements).   But the terms of the contract that Colorado offered carried limitations that Project 1.27 felt would force them to diverge from the way God has called them to operate.  So Project 1.27 respectfully turned down the contract.  They continue their positive, non-financial partnerships with the State, but gave up a major source of potential income.

This was a remarkable step of principled faith, especially given that 1.27 is facing great financial challenges.  The story of how God will enable 1.27 to overcome those challenges has yet to be fully written.  But He’s begun.  One donor, hearing about 1.27’s principled decision, came forward with $20,000.  And one staff member that 1.27 had to let go due to financial shortfalls returned to work as a volunteer.   Best of all, the ministry continues to bear much fruit.  Just last week, a Project 1.27 recruiting event—promoted only via word of mouth—drew more than 200 individuals to learn more about engaging the foster system.

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