Twitterview with Dr. Russell Moore on Orphan Sunday

By John Landgrave on November 6, 2009

The Alliance just did its first “Twitterview” (a live interview via Twitter) today with Dr. Russell Moore, highlighting this weekend’s Orphan Sunday. Here’s the transcript.

Jedd Medefind: We’re excited about the Christian Alliance for Orphans’ first twitterview with Dr. Russell Moore for ORPHAN SUNDAY 2009. So let’s start with your plans–what are your doing on Orphan Sunday?

Russell Moore: I’m going to call my folks @highviewbaptist to pray for orphans and I’m going to speak to an orphan care ministry at southeast Christian church here in Louisville

Jedd Medefind: What do you see as the heart of Orphan Sunday?

Russell Moore: The true heart is asking people to remember the least of these, and to take time with churches all over the world asking God to use us to rescue orphans, to see homes created and restored.

Jedd Medefind: Dr. Moore, you’re at the front of calling Christians to “defend the fatherless.” How’d God stir you to this role?

Russell Moore: Well, it took two little Russian ex-orphans, my sons Benjamin and Timothy. Seeing that orphanage in Russia, and seeing the unadopted kids stirred my conscience, a conscience that hadn’t been touched before that. I then saw how I’d been an orphan too. So every time I hear “Daddy” in my home, I’m reminded of Father God’s love for us, and of how radical the gospel really is.

Jedd Medefind: You’ve written, “Orphan Sunday reminds us all that orphan care isn’t a special emphasis at all.” What do you mean?

Russell Moore: Caring for orphans isn’t “special.” It’s what every believer is called to do as we follow Christ (Js. 1:27). Every Sunday then, for Christians, is Orphan Sunday. And every Monday “Orphan Monday,” etc. Orphan Sunday is a reminder that the rest of the year is about this joyous work!

Jedd Medefind: If you were sharing words at one of the Orphan Sunday events in Alaska…or Florida…or Oregon, what would you emphasize?

Russell Moore: That you don’t need a massive orphan care program in order to serve. Just pray about how God is calling you to do it. Orphan care isn’t just for big churches with lots of resources. Every church can do this. The first part is being attentive to the orphans around you, spiritual and familial, and loving them.

Jedd Medefind: Are you seeing any trends among seminary students regarding the Church’s role and orphans?

Russell Moore: Oh yes. There’s a full steam ahead adoption culture @sbts and elsewhere. Younger pastors get this, and it’s a joy to see. The more adoptions and orphan missions endeavors happen the less “strange” this seems to the rest of the Body.

Jedd Medefind: I’m looking forward to joining you for February’s Adopted for Life conference. What’s your goal for the event?

Russell Moore: We want to encourage churches as to how they can do orphan care, as well as potential adopting parents & to serve as a resource for those wondering if adoption or foster care or orphan ministry is for them. It’ll be a great time to connect with people from all over who are thinking about orphan issues and to get good practical counsel.

Jedd Medefind: Your book Adopted for Life tops the reading lists for many folks. Any other new recs from you on adoption or orphan care?

Russell Moore: I like Focus on the Family’s Thriving as an Adoptive Family. It’s really good.

Jedd Medefind: So, last question–personal one: Any advice for a fellow adoptive dad?

Russell Moore: Say “I love you” repeatedly, and don’t forget to discipline. And always think of the adoption as past-tense. Also don’t think you have to answer intrusive questions from onlookers in a way that’ll make your son or daughter feel strange or distant from the rest of the family. They’ve been “brought near” and are “no longer strangers” (Eph. 2).

Jedd Medefind: Thanks for the great Twitterview, Dr. Moore. And for your strong voice for the fatherless!

Russell Moore: Thank you Jedd! I am so thankful for your leadership. You are a strong voice for the fatherless!

Jedd Medefind: And for all you out there standing for orphans, tweet your Orphan Sunday 2009 plans and activities all weekend (#OS09)

(Follow @orphanalliance and @drmoore on Twitter!)

Dr. Moore is the Dean of the School of Theology and Senior Vice-President for Academic Administration at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also serves as a preaching pastor at Highview Baptist Church, where he ministers weekly at the congregation’s Fegenbush location. Moore is the author of The Kingdom of Christ and Adopted for Life.

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