Whole Life Instead of Pro-Life?

By Jedd Medefind on January 31, 2011

A great article by Mark Andreas ran in the most recent Capitol Commentary, titled Whole Life Instead of Pro-Life? The piece thoughtfully describes what should be the inseparable link between pro-life conviction and Christian commitment to adoption, orphan care and practical support for birth parents…and calls for more of it.  Marc is an adoptive dad and a good friend, and also directs communications for Alliance member Bethany Christian Services, daily pouring his energy into the vision he describes.

While I’d affirm the continued significance of the term “Pro-Life,” the essence of Marc’s argument strikes me as spot-on.  The defense of innocent life against destruction is the first implication of any “ethic of life,” but such a commitment should always be inseparable from love and practical aid for children, marriage, and parents at every stage of life.  As Christians step forward to adopt, foster, and care for children and parents in myriad ways, they show what Pro-Life…or “Whole Life”…really means.  We prove that our motivation in opposing abortion is not merely a quest for a political victory, but truly a yearning for the wholeness and health of women, children and all of society.

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