Hermeneutic on Cost, Complexity and Call of Adoption

By Jedd Medefind on November 1, 2011

Christianity Today’s Her.meneutics today carries a thoughtful (and very personal) piece from Rachel Stone reflecting on the cost, complexity and call of adoption—and how all three are inextricable from the Gospel itself.  Stone writes,

“Yes, adoption is expensive (easily close to $30,000, depending on the route one takes), ethically confusing, frustrating, and occasionally heartbreaking. Our adoption by God through Christ wasn’t cheap, either, and we who would adopt shouldn’t give up because it’s hard. Rather, we should wisely discern what’s truly best for all involved—even if it means opening ourselves to the potential for greater hurt.

“Because who knows? It may yet be the avenue for greater joy.”

Read the full article, “Adoption:  A Long and Winding Journey.”

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