Homespun Advice on Older Child Adoption

By Jedd Medefind on December 26, 2011

More and more families are embracing the joys and challenges of adopting older children.  This journey can carry unparalleled blessings for both parent and child.  It can also come with unparalleled challenges for the unprepared.   At present, it seems the range of resources available to families desiring advice or support in this journey is still catching up to the need.  Still, there are some excellent resources out there, many of them in the Alliance Resource Library—ranging from Dr. Karyn Purvis and Empowered to Connect to Jayne Schooler to the recent Hope for Orphans’ Institute.

One newly-released book on this topic fits in a category all its own.  Fasten Your Sweet Belts:  10 Things You Need to Know about Older Child Adoption was written by Jodi Jackson Tucker and her daughter adopted from Uganda, Agnes Namatovu Tucker.  This book isn’t a technical or philosophical treatise, nor does Tucker claim clinical expertise.  What Tucker does do is communicate in clear, readable prose and pithy stories what she has experienced as mother:  one who has walked the road of loving children who’ve come to her through birth, domestic adoption and international older-child adoption.

I’ve gotten to know Jodi well through her truly amazing volunteer leadership in Orphan Sunday efforts over recent years.  My endorsement on the book jacket reflects what I’ve seen first hand…and also what readers will encounter in her enjoyable, insight-filled book:

“…Tucker is both wise and winsome, as vivacious as she is insightful.  This book reflects all of that and more from a woman and her daughter who know intimately both the challenges and the beauty of adoption.”  See the book on Amazon HERE.

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