Top DC Think Tank Highlights Growing Engagement of Churches in Foster Care

By Jedd Medefind on February 18, 2014

This past week, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in Washington D.C. hosted a panel discussion entitled “Connecting orphans with families: New insights from the front lines.”  Jason Weber, CAFO’s National Director of Foster Care Initiatives, presented on this panel along with Kathryn Edin, Professor at John Hopkins University, Aaron Graham, Pastor of the District Church in Washington DC, and Matt Weidinger, U.S. House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support.

An article by the Christian Post, “Churches Are Helping Orphans, Changing Lives, Saving Taxpayers, AEI Panel Highlights,” details the discussion that centered on the costs of foster care and the impact of the growing movement of churches involved in several states around the country with children from our foster care system.  Author Napp Nazworth wrote:

The good news, Weber noted, is that 10 to 12 years ago churches started becoming more engaged with the issue, so now communities are beginning to see the results of that engagement. Weber described some programs begun by churches in Colorado, Florida, Oklahoma and Arkansas.

These programs have shown that when churches get involved, they can “impact a lot of kids, change communities, [and] change the course of history,” he said.

To read the entire Christian Post article, click here.

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