The Movement is Alive in East Africa!

By David Hennessey on November 13, 2015


Guest blog post from Director for Global Movements, David Hennessey.

For the last 2 weeks, I’ve witnessed local churches in Uganda and Kenya pour their hearts out for the fatherless in their communities and their nations. It’s quite a humbling experience to see Christians who are living in poverty themselves give of their funds, food and materials for children without parents. Even more humbling to meet families who have taken one or more children into their home, not as a charitable service or to gain a household servant, but to offer full rights as sons and daughters.

One of these families is the Luswata Family in Uganda, who invited me into their home to share their love for their son. I stood there beholding a father as he spoke a blessing over his adopted son, “May the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you… we believe that by the time you come out of school you will help other children… you will live a life that will bring honor and glory to God.. we thank God who brought you into our family, and we love you.” This was truly a holy moment between Dad and son, united not only by love but also by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Please pray for the Luswata family, and hundreds more just like them throughout the African continent, who are answering the call to care for the fatherless in their own communities. Also pray for the thousands of churches that are teaching about God’s heart for the orphan and supporting these adoptive and foster families within their own church congregations.

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