What was the Heartbeat of CAFO2019? Watch the Keynote

By Jedd Medefind on June 3, 2019

Every talk at CAFO2019 wove together threads of the theme – In Brokenness and Beauty…It is Well.  I treasured each one, coming from so many remarkable people.  We’ll share them all.  Here’s a first – my own contribution to that tapestry.  It explores how pain and joy most always come together, intertwined, whenever we follow Jesus near to the world’s hurt.  This is the life we choose – as ministry leaders, foster and adoptive parents, advocates, mentors and volunteers – because God first loved us.  And we believe that, despite all the costs, it is the best life to be found this side of heaven.

In Brokenness & Beauty…It Is Well from Christian Alliance for Orphans on Vimeo.

That intersection of joy and pain is where we live.[/pullquote]It was very moving to sense the deep solidarity and fellowship that all of us at CAFO2019 felt with one another in this. Why such resonance with the theme?  Because, I believe, that intersection of hope and hurt, joy and pain, brokenness and beauty is where we live.

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