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…supporting the care of vulnerable children and families and helping to build the vision for family-based care solutions in Peru. Julie received a MA in Counseling from Denver Seminary and…

Ama, no arregles: Redefinir el éxito en los hogares de acogida

…Ministries Salt Wall is the Director of Urban Youth Ministries in Denver Colorado, and a long time friend and mentor to Jason Weber. Urban Youth Ministries is working to grow…

Ruth Haley Barton

...y comunidad espiritual. Ha formado parte del equipo pastoral de varias iglesias, entre ellas Willow Creek Community Church. Ruth ha enseñado en la Wheaton College Graduate School, Denver Seminario, Noreste...

Conozca a los oradores principales de la Cumbre

…children, two of which are adopted. Luther Ellis Luther Ellis was with the Detroit Lions for nine years and with the Denver Broncos for one year. He is a two…

Buenas noticias en el frente de los hogares de acogida

…from the Wall Street Journal to the NY York Times to the Denver Post—is a major piece of the puzzle. This expanded response is the work of local Christians and…

Manténgase conectado con noticias e historias de impacto en su bandeja de entrada
