Patheos Interview: God’s Care for the Orphan

By Elizabeth Correll on August 27, 2009

Patheos has posted a new interview highlighting the Christian Alliance for Orphans and engagement with orphan issues:

“…At its best, throughout history, the Church has been known as a champion for orphans. You definitely see echoes of this in the 20th-century Church as well. However, often we saw a false dichotomy between orthodoxy and orthopraxy-between emphasis on believing the right things and emphasis on doing the right things. At times, that caused us to fail to recognize that gospel truth and loving service to the least of these must always go hand in hand.”

“…I’ve come to believe that love for orphans can be powerfully transformative. Transformative for the child. Transformative for the family that chooses to love him or her. Transformative to the Church that moves beyond self-focused religion. And transformative to a watching world that sees, perhaps for the first time, the gospel embodied in love for the least of these.”

To read the interview, click here.

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