George Dennehy Videoā€¦and SUMMIT IX!

By Jedd Medefind on February 19, 2013

If you havenā€™t yet seen the video of the Dennehy family, itā€™s definitely one you donā€™t want to miss.Ā  (Weā€™re also thrilled that George will be performing live at Summit IX!)

Their story makes vividly apparent that, despite the great challenges children with special needs and their families often must carry, the gifts they bear are even greater.

As George Dennehy puts it, ā€œThere are no accidents.ā€Ā  Every child is of inestimable worth.Ā  And often those with the most significant visible handicaps have some of the most significant gifts to give the world.

Weā€™re excited to be celebrating that truth at Summit IX in many unique ways, from Georgeā€™s music, to an unforgettable main stage interview, to a special workshop track titled, ā€œLoving Children with Special Needs.ā€

Get a glimpse of what this is all about in the Dennehy video below.

And if one video isnā€™t enough, check out this slightly longer one on George from Virginia Presents!

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