Glimpses of What Happens When Christians “Leave Logos and Egos at the Door”

By Jedd Medefind on August 28, 2017


I’ve always loved those words that helped forge CAFO. The leaders gathered at the first CAFO Summit pledged themselves to serving Christ and orphans … and also to “leave logos and egos at the door.” They would labor in shared initiatives to achieve more together than any one organization could achieve alone.

I first encountered CAFO as a speaker at one of those early Summits, representing the White House. It was amazing to see all those organizations and churches laboring together. Truth be told, in many years working with nonprofits around the world, I’d never seen anything quite like it.

I continue to feel that way – deeply impressed by the organizations, churches and individuals that today are still putting logos and egos secondary to a unified Kingdom vision. Joined now by many others, they continue to labor through CAFO for shared goals. The coordinated initiatives they engage together inspire and equip God’s people for effective service in a way no one organization could by itself. Certainly, egos still sometimes create frictions and the need for reconciliation.  But far more frequently, I see openhandedness and shared effort — often with no expectation of credit.

CAFO recently created a little e-book with a mid-2017 update and thank you. If you’re an organization, church, or individual CAFO member…a volunteer or Orphan Sunday coordinator…an intern…a financial or prayer supporter…or pour into the shared work of CAFO in any other way…then this e-book is for you. Truly, all that is being achieved through CAFO happens only together!

As I glanced over the e-book, it reminded me what happens when Christians follow through on that simple, powerful (yet very hard to do) commitment – leaving “logos and egos at the door” to pursue a vision larger than any one of us could accomplish alone. 

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