CAFO Global Network

Collaborate 2024

Collaborate, a CAFO Global Network forum, is a hybrid of in-person, virtual and locally-hosted Collaborate+ events, all connected via online sessions.


Better Together

Collaborate brings together CAFO Global Network leaders from around the world to share expertise, make new connections, learn best practices and add your voice to joint projects and objectives that are key to vibrant, locally-led vulnerable child and family care networks. This year's in-person Collaborate event is in Nashville, Tennessee and we will be learning and discussing the theme of Church Engagement.


Goals of Collaborate at CAFO2024 Summit

To gather CAFO Global Network member networks and other global advocates to share and collaborate on strategies to develop movements and engage local churches in family and community-based care.

To understand foundational building blocks of best practices and the latest research to wisely guide regional/national networks.

To gather working groups to collaborate on CAFO Global Network projects and objectives to benefit the global movement.

To continue developing attendees’ leadership skills to serve their emerging/growing networks better.

Join us at Collaborate 2024

Find all the details and information about the Collaborate Global Network Forum at CAFO2024 in Nashville!

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