Cafo Church Member

Olathe Bible Church

Contact: [email protected]

At Olathe Bible Church, we desire to be known as a church that responds to God’s heart for the fatherless. We engage in caring for the fatherless because we are God’s children, meant to be a reflection of His character – and God is Father of the fatherless (Psalm 68:5).

Orphans are the symptom of brokenness in a community. Broken men and women. Broken marriages. Broken economy. Broken education. Broken politics. Broken bodies. The children are the ones at the end of the brokenness. They feel it all, and their lives are drastically altered as a result. We have an opportunity to help mend their lives…not just minister to those along the broken path but also minister to the little ones who suffer in its wake.

Orphan Ministry of Olathe Bible Church addresses the prevention, intervention and after care of ministry to the fatherless.

Ministry Focus


Countries of Operation

Christian Alliance for Orphans

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