NEW: CAFO Study of COVID-19 Impact on Vulnerable Children and the Organizations that Serve Them

By Jedd Medefind on September 3, 2020


The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact life across the globe.  As in virtually all crises, the most impacted are often those who are already the most vulnerable, including children at risk.  To learn more about how this unprecedented situation is influencing the lives of vulnerable children and families, the CAFO Center for Applied Research, Samford University, and Tanya’s Dream Foundation undertook a study of 87 NGOs serving this population.  The service providers who participated work in 43 nations and provided significant insights about:

  • Ways children and families have been directly impacted by COVID-19.
  • The impact of the pandemic on services provided by NGOs.
  • Government responses and gaps in services for this population during the pandemic.
  • Strategies that have been effective in filling these gaps.  

An infographic sharing study highlights is below, including a link to a Spanish version.  You can read the original paper in the journal, Child Abuse & Neglect.


[View the Spanish Infographic here]

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