I think we can all agree that foster care is full of hard things and hard days. We may feel like our work is full of enemies: biological families who are hurt and angry, a system that feels slow and broken, and kids we love who are struggling with hurt and trauma that feels overwhelming. How do we adjust our mindset about who we see as the enemy?  And how do we love those that sometimes treat us like we're the enemy? Today we sit down with Jamie Finn, from Foster the Family, to talk about foster care, her book, and a lot of the hard moments we're all familiar with. Today we are having a conversation about how, when we face these hard things and hard relationships in foster care, scripture is always there to meet us right where we're at.

This episode is a must listen for not just foster parents but foster care leaders and advocates too.

Resources and Guests

Find Jamie at her blog, FosterTheFamily.org, and a hard copy or audio copy of Foster the Family at https://www.fosterthefamilybook.com/.

Jamie C. Finn is the author of bestselling book, Foster the Family, the founder and executive director of Foster the Family, the host of the Real Mom podcast, the founder and owner of Goods and Better, and a sought-after speaker for retreats, conferences, and events for foster and adoptive parents. Her popular social media accounts offer a glimpse into the real life of a foster parent and provide encouragement to thousands of foster parents. Jamie is a mother to six children through birth, adoption, and foster care. She lives in Sicklerville, New Jersey, with her husband, Alan.

Jason Weber and his wife, Trisha, have been speaking up on behalf of the marginalized for over 25 years. Jason has written and helped to produce several books and other tools, including Farmer Herman and the Flooding Barn, a 2018 ECPA Christian Book Award finalist and Until There’s More Than Enough. Jason has been  a regular columnist for Fostering Families Today magazine and is the host of the More Than Enough Podcast, which highlights the work of national foster care advocates. Jason serves with the Christian Alliance for Orphans and helps lead More Than Enough, a collaborative movement facilitated by the CAFO community. Jason and his family live in Plano, Texas.

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