Six Ways Singles Can Help Orphans

By Jedd Medefind on May 8, 2014

CT carries a great article on Six Ways Singles Can Help Orphans. It articulates clearly (and practically!) a central truth that CAFO always seeks to champion. Not every Christian is called to adopt or foster or mentor. But every Christian community is called to live out the pure religion that “looks after orphans and widows in their distress”…and each of us can play a part!

The article begins:

Faith-based organizations, church leaders, and Christian families across the country have propelled the orphan-care movement in the past decade, inspired by the repeated biblical command to “father the fatherless,” to take care of children who need our help.

Often, though, we associate orphan care with married Christians who can adopt children, who can welcome foster kids into their home, and who can afford to send hefty donations. Single Christians, even those who feel the issue of orphan care weighing heavy on their hearts, may resign to wait until they’re ready to start a family before they can live out this biblical call.

If you think you’re too young, too single, too inexperienced to do anything, I’m here to say: you can help right away.

Read the full article by Jamie Calloway-Hanauer here.


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