The Church Awakening in South Asia

By David Hennessey on February 27, 2014


“Orphanages are for caring for children.
Churches are for worship.”
a quote from a pastor in India regarding what many
Indian Christians feel regarding orphan care.

Within this church culture in South Asia, God is calling His people to awaken to the plight of the fatherless and respond with action to adopt, foster, mentor and care for orphans. In Nepal and India, believers are hearing this call and responding!

In January, an international team from CAFO, World Without Orphans, LAMb International and other orphan advocates joined with leaders in Kathmandu, Nepal and Bihar, India to conduct 2 Vision Casting Seminars focused on launching orphan care movements in the churches in each of these countries.

When opening the Nepal seminar, a Nepalese pastor declared, “We must stand for the future of Nepal’s children! They are called to be sons and daughters of the most high God!” Over the next 2 days, pastors and ministry leaders developed a national vision for the Nepal Without Orphans movement, and further defined the priorities and action plan to call the Nepalese church to action.

Just last week, while speaking to one of the leaders of this movement, I learned of a dozen churches in Western Nepal that have committed to the “1 Church, 1 Family, 1 Orphan” concept. Each of these 12 churches will identify one family within its body to adopt one local orphan, with the entire church supporting that newly adoptive family. Praise God for these 12 children who will know the love and nurture of a family this year!

In Bihar, India (the largest state in the country), hearts of leaders have been changed as well. As the leadership team was developing their strategic plan, one Indian leader passionately shared, “God spoke to me not only to care for the children… but to challenge the church and bring them more into caring for children!”

The Lord is moving in India – until last week, Christian believers were only allowed to officially foster a child. Last Wednesday, the India high court ruled that Christians may adopt children, and gain full rights as natural parents!

Please pray with me that the Lord will grow these emerging movements and inspire churches around the world to arise to care for orphans.

And may the global church awaken to the understanding that caring for children is a form of worship!

In late April, 100 international leaders will gather for Collaborate, a forum for global leaders, to share best practices of launching and growing movements, and engaging and mobilizing the church. If you know a global leader that is hearing God’s call to mobilize the church in his/her country, please have them visit the Collaborate site. There are some limited scholarships still available for global leaders to attend (application instructions are available on the site).

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