A Journey Together

CAFO would like to invite you and your staff into an experience that has been very meaningful for our team this year.  

Through 2022, we engaged in what we called the CAFO “Spiritual Formation Calendar.” Every month, we explored together a different spiritual formation practice — from solitude and Sabbath to gratitude, pruning, and generosity. Each month’s theme introduced biblically-rooted, practical means that God uses to give good gifts to His people and help us to grow more like Jesus.  

For each theme, we started at the beginning of the month with a discussion of a key idea/practice. Then, each of us chose a related “exploratory exercise” to practice over the course of the month. Finally, we processed our experiences together at the end of the month.  

These activities — though simple — drew us closer as a team and deeper into practices that God has used to bring good to His people across the centuries. Best of all, I believe He worked through it all to form each of us to reflect His heart and character more fully.

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