Responding to Evil

Four Actions to Teach Our Children – and Ourselves – as We Encounter the World’s Deep Brokenness

So much good surrounds us. It comes in each sunset and moonscape, kind smile and shared meal. Every day carries ample reason for thanksgiving.

Yet right alongside these gifts, our world holds such evil and brokenness. COVID-19’s ripples touch every sphere of life, heavy with isolation and anxiety. We are freshly pierced by the pain of racial injustice and conflict, grappling with the significance of protests and riots. We see the perennial hurt of our world in so many other forms, too — AIDS and cancer, famine and civil war, human trafficking, addiction, broken families, parentless children, and so much besides.

In simple terms, Scripture invites us to four concrete actions in response to evil. They have been foundational to the response of God’s people to evil in every age. Like all things, these actions begin in our minds and hearts, and rise upward from there, springing into words and prayers, and ultimately into bold doing, both private and public.

Over the pages ahead, we’ll explore these four actions together.

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