The quiet work of God’s Kingdom

By Christian Alliance for Orphans on November 21, 2023

Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Recently CAFO’s president, Jedd Medefind, had the opportunity to spend time in Ethiopia visiting several CAFO member organizations while also preaching, speaking and meeting with local church leaders. For Thanksgiving, we are sharing some of his thoughts with you as a vivid reminder of the many quiet yet powerful ways God’s Kingdom is advancing among the vulnerable. As Jedd reflects on his time in Ethiopia, he shares glimpse after glimpse of God’s transformative work. Though seemingly small, these acts of faithfulness by God’s people are yielding abundant fruit over time. It’s our hope that you’ll be encouraged as you read about the transformative work God is doing every day through believers in Ethiopia.

Small seeds take root and grow

My family and I had the privilege of spending time with many ministries in Ethiopia in November. A few examples include: Hope for the Fatherless (where our children volunteered tutoring English, math and music); Lifesong for Orphans (where we visited their tremendous school in Zawai); Make Your Mark (doing great work with street children in Addis Ababa); Alliance Care Now (helping churches host after-school programs for youth); and a number of other incredible organizations doing good, God-honoring work. 

In addition to gaining a deeper understanding of the great challenges leaders in Ethiopia face, our time also got me thinking a great deal about all that Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God. 

In the face of the expansive need and brokenness that surrounded Jesus in his day – and that surrounds us still today – Jesus never described the advance of the Kingdom as being like a conquering army or massive earthquake or sweeping tidal wave. Rather, he always described it with the smallest things imaginable … grains of salt, minuscule bits of yeast, tiny seeds. Each of these things, though so easy to dismiss or miss entirely, carry a truly transformative power over time. 

I saw that power at work in Ethiopia. Amidst such vast need, each small action provided a glimpse of the Kingdom breaking forth, taking root and transforming lives in ways that ripple and rise, spread and grow.  

My family and I spent part of an afternoon in one of the many family homes created by CAFO-member Selamta Family Project for a widow and six former orphans. Each of those children could be in one of the heartbreakingly-inadequate government orphanages, on the streets or worse.  Instead, thanks to many caring Americans who support this work and many devoted Ethiopians who lead it, these children are now part of a family that is so clearly full of love, belonging and God’s living Word. 

Like little seeds, it is seemingly small and undramatic … and truly beautiful.

Strengthening the movement for the local church

DEBO Ethiopia Summit 2023

CAFO always wants to encourage and strengthen a true movement of local churches and believers in every nation stepping up to serve the orphaned and vulnerable children of their country. Thanks be to God, that is just what is happening in Ethiopia. 

One of the events I was a part of during my month in Ethiopia was the DEBO Summit. While aided and encouraged over many years by CAFO, it is entirely owned and led by tremendous Ethiopian leaders, including CAFO board member Belay Gebru. In fact, my wife Rachel and I were the only non-Ethiopian speakers and workshop instructors. The DEBO Summit drew 400+ Ethiopian pastors, leaders and other believers who desire to live out that vision for the Church and to spread it across the country.  

If you’d be willing, will you please pause and take a moment to pray for the Ethiopian church and the dear believers in that country? May God continue to draw their hearts nearer to His and to cause His kingdom to break forth all the more through them!”   

Jedd Medefind is the President of the Christian Alliance for Orphans. 

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