Disciple: Essential Elements of Building a Discipleship Pipeline

It’s not an event, it’s a process. It’s the long, sometimes slow and sometimes tumultuous journey of movement – from where we are to where we need or want or hope to be.

Discipleship toward a goal or vision doesn’t just happen – it requires intentionality, purpose and planning.

Often times when we think of the ministry of Jesus we’re quick to recall some of the more obvious things He did – He preached, He healed, He performed miracles – and we tend to overlook one of the most fundamental, yet subtle things – He discipled.

He journeyed along with 12 men for years, teaching them, loving them, equipping them and even watching them take one step forward and two steps back at times.

In this resource, find what elements of movement are crucial to establishing an effective and sustainable process for moving our people towards caring for the vulnerable and orphaned or supporting those who do.

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