Shrink: Three Simple Principles to Help Your Church Shrink the Problem and Embrace the Complex

Sometimes the problem feels really big, and our people feel really small.

They don’t know where to start, what to do or if they can really make a difference at all in the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children. And if we’re honest, sometimes as leaders we don’t know what to do or where to start either.

How do we as church leaders “flip the script” on the message our people are hearing – from an overwhelming message that paralyzes them to a compelling one that catalyzes them? What steps can we take, language can we use and simple structures can we put in place to help our people feel empowered to care for vulnerable kids and families, or support those who do?

The three principles shared in this short resource will help you clarify your message, connect with your audience and catalyze movement in your church or ministry.

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